Since the moment we choose our raw-materials, through all the production and packaging procedures, we spoil your Maria with love and care, so that she can bring to you our gratitude for believing in us. Your Bag will be always a good partner, we taught her that. And your bag it´s also our dream, thank you for your contribution.


P.S.: Be curious about who made your products, from where they came from, and listen to the story about why they born. So then you will have a singular design piece made from someone, maybe from the other side of the world, that spent time and love making it and you will know the story behind it. You will have a story to tell, a special product in your outfit and in your life.
Maria Maleta is a Portuguese brand of design leather goods, only in genuine leather and evidences the quality on raw materials with the best production in Portugal. We believe that every person has two personal sides, therefore most of our products reflect that versatility as they can be used in many different ways. There is no stereotypes neither any rules, that is the freedom to be expressed in a timeless product.  

Leather bags production